Friday, September 30, 2005

Post Rita Update and allergic reactions

My sister contacted me by cell phone yesterday, and told me that they were roughing it back in their home with no water and no power. They have a natural gas range and water heater, so they can cook, and when the water is back on, they can shower comfortably.

The damage was light to the house itself. Some sections of shingles blown away, and some of the cedar shake siding, but nothing where water blew in. There was not any flood damage, and they managed to get back into the county even though it was shut down by martial law (National Guard patrolling everywhere) because her husband had a chainsaw and some ladders in the back of his truck, and he could be useful in helping clear some of the blocked roads.

Wind was the nightmare. It took down some 15,000 utility poles and the main grid power lines. I saw some footage of the damage on tv and it looked like the Hulk had been stomping through there. A really BIG Hulk. Or maybe Godzilla. Anyway, trees broken off and power lines down everywhere.

As I was speaking to her, she got the news that the water was back on. I don't know if it was fit to drink, but at least they can flush the toilets without carrying in pails of water from the kids' swimming pool.

They do have a generator, so they have enough power to run some box fans during the day. Who knows how long it will take to get the power restored? There is one store in town open, once it got the front window boarded up that were blown out, and there were people who came in wanting everything for free. Had the Guard not been keeping most of the residents out of the area until the power is back on, this would have evolved into a looting spree. Hard lessons learned by Katrina only weeks ago.

I am relieved that they are back at home, but will be worried until the power is completely restored.


I went to the dermatologist Tuesday to see what on earth is eating up my hands. Something I have not been able to get rid of, it cracks open and bleeds. Rather nasty looking, too, not to mention itchy and sore. They thought it might be something to do with a cervical vertabrae, because of the patterning on my hands. There is a definite line of demarcation. So I had to get xrays of my neck. For a rash on my hands.

They also decided to give me an allergen patch test. They stuck two rectangular patches on my back, taped them up nicely, and told me not to get them wet until Thursday when I could come back early to have the results read. Easier said than done. I couldn't wash my hair, as I cannot lean over the sink to do it, so I felt crusty despite taking a bath. The damn things itched like hell. I felt like an old bear, wanting to back up to a tree and scratch.

Thursday morning couldn't get here fast enough. I barely slept for the itching. Had to be in Memphis by 0830. Ugh. The deja vu of the early morning wreck five years ago was haunting me. The cotton fields are ready to be picked. That's what I plowed through when I wrecked my car. I drank a 20 oz Dr. Pepper for the caffeine.

Got to the VA hospital, and was first in line at the clinic. They stripped off the allergy tests and found I am sensitive to fragrances and potassium dichromate. Well, how do you do? What the hell did that mean? I have a list now of things with which I shouldn't come in contact. Leather goods. Green fabric. Chrome plated stuff. Some stainless steel. Building materials like drywall, brick, and mortar.

At least, it's not the cats.

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