Saturday, June 11, 2005

Strange dreams

Lately, I seem to be having a lot of strange dreams. Maybe it's due to my sleep schedule (or lack thereof), or I need to lay off those spicy foods. I dunno.

The other night(or day, actually), I dreamed I was talking to a friend of mine, who walked in and asked me point blank what was bothering me. There were a couple of odd things about this dream, but the strangest thing was that I have never met this internet friend face to face, but I KNEW who he was. And it seemed so natural that he be here.

Skip a few days, and I'm dreaming about cats again. Many times I dream about my cats getting loose from the house and how I frantically try to collect them, to make sure they are safe. But this one was a topper. I was with a family...not mine...who were going to an amusement park of some sort. We stopped at this attraction, where the focus was on a display of cats who could catch fish from a running stream, or so the signs said. (?) The children ran ahead, and we caught up with them leaning over a railing watching the cats do their thing with the fish. The fish were in a kind of recirculating waterfall, like they were swimming upstream, and the cats would wait alongside for one to get too close to the edge, and would snag the fish, trot over to show the spectators, then trot back and drop it back into the water. (Cats doing catch and release???) Not exactly entertainment value to me, so I wandered away, where there was sort of a carnival sideshow thing that had men doing caricatures of paying customers up on a sort of platform. I remember that one of the signs touted the artist as having worked for Disney. He was drawing this guy, but putting him in a cartoon setting. Another guy was drawing people in their favourite sports pose, the particular one happening was this fat guy being portrayed as a baseball player. I rounded a corner, and there were the "extra cats". They were hanging on a canvas wall, their heads stuck through holes in the canvas, suspended by bows tied around their necks. Someone was feeding them, and they all looked contented. I made the remark that it must take a lot of kitty valium to keep them that way.

I'm going to have to lay off the jalapeno Pringles.


Kev said...

I love hearing about your dreams. I can only hope that mine are half as intriguing as yours. I never recall them, though, so it's very hard to tell. Ah well...

Darediva said...

My short sleep intervals might be the only reason I can recall so many of them.

I've always dreamed vividly, in lavish colour. That even makes the nightmares good sometimes. It's hard to say what some of this dreamscape might reveal about me, but it's fun to journal it.