Sunday, June 26, 2005

All together now, let's fall apart

That was the title of a cut on one of Ronnie Milsap's early albums. The irony of it has never escaped me.

What is it about getting older? I remember my older brother talking about this phenom of older people always talking about their aches and pains, and the sudden realisation that he had started doing it, too. I guess it's that mortality thing setting in, the fact that we are "all terminal, baby!"

That recent class reunion is a good example. If I had really told people how I was, they would think I was lying. This much shit doesn't happen to one person, does it? I was taken aback by a friend who stopped over where I was staying, and almost the first thing said was, "Ok, tell me what the deal is with your license plate." I haven't seen this person in years, and that's the first question? (I have disabled plates on the car.) Little does this person know, but next time I might not even be driving myself to the reunion. Hell, who knows if either one of us will still be alive? Life doesn't exactly come with a money-back guarantee, now, does it?

Two trips to the doctor in one week gets tiring. The fact that I literally cannot take the heat doesn't help matters one bit either. I have slept more in the past two days than I have in the past two weeks. The hardest part is cutting myself some slack for doing it. I feel like I am wasting time when I sleep. But, damn, I have had some interesting dreams. That's the beauty of only sleeping a couple of hours at a stretch.

A couple of them had to do with gathering up belongings before a big disaster happened. I guess a joke about earthquakes on the New Madrid fault (not far at all from here) and tsunami warnings from the Mississippi River started all that. Who knows? Another one had to do with helping with a renovation project like the ones on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Whole lot of colour going on in that one, more than usual. Still another was that old favourite that haunts me...the end of school is near, and I can't remember where my locker is, or what the combination to the lock might be, because I haven't been to class all semester, and it's exam time.

Good news is that my CT scan showed nothing, and the rest is nothing that won't heal up. At least I did get a consult to opthamology with the VA. Heaven knows when I will actually get an appointment. Hopefully before they have to enroll me in O&M...heh.

Geez, after that rant, I think I feel better!

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